Explore the Vibrant City of Ho Chi Minh: Top 10 Must-Visit Attractions

by Huy Huỳnh Ngọc

Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is a bustling metropolis that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity. From its iconic landmarks to its vibrant street life, this city has something for everyone. In this comprehensive guide, Palm Vietnam Travel will take you on a journey through the top 10 must-visit attractions in Ho Chi Minh City, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any of the city’s hidden gems. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonders that await you in this captivating destination.

1. War Remnants Museum: A Glimpse into the Vietnam War

The War Remnants Museum is a haunting reminder of the Vietnam War, offering a somber yet educational experience. Originally known as the ‘Museum of American War Crimes,’ it showcases the long and brutal conflict through graphic photographs, American military equipment, and thought-provoking exhibits.

One of the most impactful displays is the ‘tiger cages,’ where political prisoners were kept in cramped conditions. The museum also sheds light on the devastating effects of the chemical defoliant Agent Orange, which caused widespread birth defects. A visit to the War Remnants Museum is a must to gain a deeper understanding of Vietnam’s history.


  • Explore graphic photographs and American military equipment.
  • Witness the ‘tiger cages’ used to hold political prisoners.
  • Learn about the devastating effects of Agent Orange.
  • Location: 28 Vo Van Tan, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. ( direction )
War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.
War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.
War memories preserved in the Timeless Remnants exhibition.
War memories preserved in the Timeless Remnants exhibition.
Photo exhibition in the War Remnants Museum.
Photo exhibition in the War Remnants Museum.

2. Cu Chi Tunnels: Journey into the Underground

Step back in time and experience the life of soldiers during the Vietnam War at the Cu Chi Tunnels. This remarkable attraction offers a glimpse into the extensive network of tunnels used by the Viet Cong to move undetected. Start with an informative movie, followed by a guided tour of recreated living quarters and hidden trapdoors.

You’ll even have the opportunity to crawl through a section of the tunnels, which have been widened for visitors’ comfort. The Cu Chi Tunnels provide a unique perspective on the ingenuity and resilience of the Vietnamese people during the war.


  • Experience the daily life of Viet Cong soldiers.
  • Crawl through a section of the tunnels.
  • Location: Cu Chi District, 70 km northwest of Ho Chi Minh City.
Experience the Cu Chi Tunnels, which were used during the guerrilla warfare in Ho Chi Minh City.
Experience the Cu Chi Tunnels, which were used during the guerrilla warfare in Ho Chi Minh City.

3. Cao Dai Temple: Unveiling a Unique Faith

Immerse yourself in the fascinating Cao Dai faith at the Cao Dai Temple. This religion blends elements of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Confucianism to create a distinct spiritual practice.

Witness the vibrant rituals and observe devotees dressed in white robes, each representing their previous religious affiliation. The temple itself is a visual feast, adorned with intricate carvings, dragons, and a captivating cloud mural on the ceiling. A visit to the Cao Dai Temple offers a glimpse into the diversity and richness of Vietnamese religious life.


  • Witness the vibrant rituals of the Cao Dai faith.
  • Admire the intricate architecture and colorful decorations.
  • Location: Tay Ninh Province, approximately 95 km northwest of Ho Chi Minh City.
Tay Ninh Holy See – A unique architectural and spiritual landmark.
Tay Ninh Holy See – A unique architectural and spiritual landmark.

4. Bitexco Tower and Sky Deck: A Panoramic View of the City

For a stunning panoramic view of Ho Chi Minh City, head to the Bitexco Tower and Sky Deck. This ultra-modern skyscraper stands at 262 meters tall and boasts a sky deck offering 360-degree views of the city.

Take in the breathtaking sights while sipping on a refreshing cocktail at the Alto Heli Bar, located on the 52nd floor. The sophisticated ambiance, stylish decor, and impressive cityscape make this a must-visit destination for sunset or a romantic evening.


  • Enjoy a 360-degree view of the city from the sky deck.
  • Indulge in delicious cocktails and international cuisine at Alto Heli Bar.
  • Location: 2 Hai Trieu, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. ( direction )
Bitexco Tower: Symbolizing the prosperity of Saigon.
Bitexco Tower: Symbolizing the prosperity of Saigon.
The rooftop offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the city.
The rooftop offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the city.

5. Jade Emperor Pagoda: A Tranquil Oasis

Escape the bustling city streets and find serenity at the Jade Emperor Pagoda. This Taoist temple, built in 1909 by Chinese immigrants, exudes an air of tranquility and spirituality. Admire the intricate architecture, carvings, and statues of gods and goddesses that adorn the temple.

The main hall is dedicated to the Jade Emperor, while other areas honor deities such as Kuan Yin, the goddess of mercy. The Jade Emperor Pagoda offers a peaceful respite and a glimpse into the spiritual traditions of Ho Chi Minh City.


  • Marvel at the intricate architecture and carvings.
  • Explore the various halls dedicated to different deities.
  • Location: 73 Mai Thi Luu, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.
Ngoc Hoang Pagoda - A sacred ancient temple, renowned in Saigon.
Ngoc Hoang Pagoda – A sacred ancient temple, renowned in Saigon.

6. Mariamman Hindu Temple: A Cultural Gem

Discover the vibrant colors and rich traditions of Hinduism at the Mariamman Hindu Temple. As the only active Hindu temple in Ho Chi Minh City, it serves as a spiritual and cultural hub for the local Hindu community.

Admire the beautiful Hindu architecture adorned with deity sculptures, and soak in the serene atmosphere. The temple welcomes visitors of all backgrounds, allowing them to learn about Hinduism and experience its rituals firsthand. Remember to dress conservatively and remove your shoes before entering the inner temple.


  • Immerse yourself in Hindu traditions and rituals.
  • Admire the intricate Hindu architecture and sculptures.
  • Location: 45 Truong Dinh Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Ba An Temple - A famous and sacred Indian temple in Saigon.
Ba An Temple – A famous and sacred Indian temple in Saigon.

7. Reunification Palace: A Living Piece of History

Step into the past at the Reunification Palace, a symbol of Vietnam’s tumultuous history. This iconic landmark played a pivotal role in the Vietnam War, serving as the center of the Allied command and witnessing the North Vietnamese Army’s victory. Explore the grand reception halls, secret rooms, and the command bunker where strategies were planned. The palace has been preserved in its 1975 state, offering visitors a glimpse into the final days of the war. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about Vietnam’s struggle for independence and reunification.


  • Discover the grand reception halls and secret rooms.
  • Visit the command bunker where war strategies were planned.
  • Location: Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Independence Palace: The unique architecture created by the Vietnamese people.
Independence Palace: The unique architecture created by the Vietnamese people.

8. Ho Chi Minh City Zoo: A Family-Friendly Adventure

For a fun-filled day with the family, head to the Ho Chi Minh City Zoo. Home to a diverse range of animals from Asia and beyond, this zoo offers an exciting experience for animal lovers.

Get up close and personal with elephants, tigers, monkeys, and a variety of reptiles. Explore the botanical gardens and marvel at the tropical flora. While conditions may not be on par with Western zoos, the Ho Chi Minh City Zoo still provides an opportunity to appreciate wildlife and spend quality time with loved ones.


  • Encounter a variety of animals from Asia and beyond.
  • Explore the botanical gardens and tropical flora.
  • Location: Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Ho Chi Minh City's wildlife sanctuary.
Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Ho Chi Minh City’s wildlife sanctuary.
Thao Cam Vien - Explore the 'mini Amazon' in Saigon.
Thao Cam Vien – Explore the ‘mini Amazon’ in Saigon.

9. Ho Chi Minh Central Post Office: A Postcard-Worthy Landmark

Marvel at the architectural beauty of the Ho Chi Minh Central Post Office, a stunning example of French colonial design. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, this post office has been operating since 1891 and is still a functioning postal service.

Admire the grand interior with its arched windows, wooden shutters, and intricate details. Don’t miss the chance to send a postcard or letter from this historic landmark, preserving the tradition of communication in the digital age.


  • Admire the French colonial architecture and interior design.
  • Send a postcard or letter from this iconic post office.
  • Location: Cong Xa Paris Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Explore Ho Chi Minh City with its rich cultural beauty.
Explore Ho Chi Minh City with its rich cultural beauty.
Saigon Central Post Office - Preserving the old Saigon charm.
Saigon Central Post Office – Preserving the old Saigon charm.

10. Notre Dame Cathedral: A Testament to Faith

Complete your exploration of Ho Chi Minh City with a visit to the Notre Dame Cathedral. Built by French colonists in the late 19th century, this cathedral stands as a testament to Vietnam’s colonial past. Marvel at the neo-Romanesque architecture, the two towering spires, and the beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary.

Attend a Sunday mass to experience the vibrant Catholic community that still gathers here. The Notre Dame Cathedral is a cultural and architectural gem that should not be missed.


  • Admire the neo-Romanesque architecture and towering spires.
  • Attend a Sunday mass to experience the vibrant Catholic community.
  • Location: Paris Square, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City.
Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City.

Ho Chi Minh City offers a wealth of attractions that will captivate and inspire visitors. From its historical landmarks to its vibrant temples and modern skyscrapers, this city has something for everyone. Immerse yourself in the rich culture, indulge in delicious cuisine, and create unforgettable memories in this dynamic destination. Whether you’re exploring the dark chapters of the Vietnam War or marveling at the stunning architecture, Ho Chi Minh City promises an extraordinary journey that will leave a lasting impression.


Huy Huỳnh Ngọc

Written by Huy Huỳnh Ngọc
